✧ Liko ✧
Empathic Heroine
Liko (リコ) is the leading protagonist who began her journey enrolling in the school her parents met. She is hesitant and puts others needs before her own, but will not hesitate to protect what needs protected. Her kindness is both Liko's weakness and strength, much like it was for her Great-Great-Grandfather Lucius. This resemblance is what woke Terapagos and aided her in recruiting the six heroes on her quest to take him to Laqua - the paradise Lucius sought and remains even now.
She has come a long way after joining the Rising Volt Tacklers and fighting the Explorers. Finding her own dreams along the way and connecting with many others after trying to do everything on her own - Liko has become much more confident. She is truly an inspiration, as someone who also had a hard time with confidence I wish could have grown up with a protagonist like Liko.
Current Party

Liko's team consists of Floragato, Hattrem, and Terapagos (nicknamed Pagogo by Rystal). Her Pokemon are themed after tricksters and witchcraft, which fits well with her battle style that aims to disarm rather than overpower her opponents. But more prominantly, she uses her pokemon's innate abilities to protect and heal others.
Childhood & Family
Liko was a lonely child who felt ignored by her parents due to their constant work schedules. And despite her affection for her Grandmother, she would only visit shortly from time to time. Unconfident in herself, she avoided exploring outside of the city and hesitated speaking her mind to anyone. Being stuck in her own head so much lead to others remarking that they weren't ever sure of what she was thinking.
It wasn't until Liko finally took her first steps out into the world that she understood her parents. Before her Mother Lucca and Father Alex met at Indigo Academy, Lucca had been Friede's own teacher back in Kanto. After moving to Alex's home in the Paldea region, Lucca took a break from teaching after Liko was born to care for her. Though Liko herself doesn't remember, she actually saw Friede for the first time when she was young, just after he had quit his job at Exceed.
Around this time Alex published a picture book about the Anchient Adventurer based on stories he had heard from his mother-in-law Diana. Perhaps Liko watched her father's painting and began to draw pictures on her own around then too - though she did not recall any book in particular. Instead what she recalls most vividly is a conversation she had with Diana about the mysterious pendant and her adventures around the world.
Liko's colorscheme reflects Terapagos much like Lucius' hair does, however it curiously also resembles an Oshawott like her friend Ann's starter pokemon. Her hairclip however is a full on nod to Lucius' arm band symbols and the Indigo League mark. I love that the bright colors reflect a daytime sky filled with clouds in contrast to Roy whose colors are like a sunset. This matches up well with Roy's pallet resembling a sunset and Amethio like the night time sky. Though really she is associated most with the moon - which you can see in the shape of her bangs resembling a cresent moon.